New York City Transit Authority
Coney Island Yard Complex Long Term Flood Mitigation

Sector Transit
Location Brooklyn, New York
Category of services Plumbing
Service category New Construction, Renovation
Following Superstorm Sandy, Coney Island Yard sustained major damage to the tracks, trains, and supporting facilities. Our work provided the facility with a comprehensive flood mitigation system to reduce impacts of future weather events. It included the installation of a flood barrier system, debris shields, floodwalls, electrical upgrades, and upgrades to the facility pumping systems.
This project included the installation of 350 LF of 20” DIP force main and backwater valves from the new east sump pit to CH-CO1 and the installation of 750 LF of 20” DIP force main and backwater valves from new west sump pit to Coney Island creek. Six new 3,000 GPM diesel powered self-priming pumps were installed in the east and west pits. New tide gates were installed at the new outfall at the Coney Island creek including the design and installation of a temporary coffer dam to facilitate the installation of the tide gates. The existing manholes, 10” DIP, and four existing NYCTA manholes were demolished. New 12” DIP was installed from 4 new NYCTA sewer manholes to existing NYC catch basins on Shell Road. This work included the temporary plugging of existing piping to restrict the sewer flow to facilitate the switch over to new manholes.
Additional projects
New York City Housing Authority
Replacement of Boilers and Hot Water Heaters at Rangel Houses -
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)
Replacement of Air Handling Unit AC7 at New York Penn Station Commissary -
Metro-North Commuter Railroad Company
Grand Central Terminal (GCT) Fire Standpipe System Upgrades