New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Alley Creek CSO Phase 1 – Stage 2

Sector Municipal
Location Queens, New York
Category of services Mechanical, Plumbing
Service category New Construction, Renovation
The Alley Creek Combined Sewer Overflow Facility has the capacity to collect up to five million gallons of combined sewage during weather events, helping maintain higher water quality in the surrounding waterways. The Alley Creek Combined Sewage Overflow (CSO) project was developed to manage combined sewage discharges into Alley Creek and Little Neck Bay.
This project scope included the installation of four 3,500 GPM interim submersible pumps, new force main piping and the de-commissioning of the existing system. Five 6” wide x 10’ deep slide gates and grinders including stainless-steel hydraulic hoses from the grinders to the hydraulic power pack were installed, along with bar screens and three 36” x 24” sluice gates in the wet well. Four 4,000 GPM submersible pumps, 12” pump discharge piping, 12” electro-hydraulic actuated cone valves and 12” motorized gate valves were installed. A new 16” force main was installed and tied into the existing force main. All new equipment was tested and commissioned.